When you're competing against 88 other beautiful women from around the world, sometimes it takes subtly drastic measures to be memorable. And sometimes you forget to pack your underwear.
Miss Colombia Catalina Robayo is currently in Sao Paulo, Brazil to compete in the Miss Universe pageant on Monday, Sept. 12. And she's doing everything she can to keep cool. According to several sources, the 22-year-old has made several pageant-related appearances wearing short skirts with nothing underneath. And there's photos.
"There were several girls in short dresses which is a little concerning, but then I saw [Robayo's] picture on the front page of one of the local papers and was very, very surprised," Paula Shugart, the president of the Miss Universe Organization, tells FOX411. "One of our PR people spoke to her and apparently she said she was wearing underwear."
Miss Colombia isn't the only one who got slap on the wrist over wardrobe though. The official bikini bottoms for the televised swimsuit portion of the pageant all had to be returned to the designer as well to have more fabric added to them.
"They sent us the first round of competition suits and being by a Brazilian designer they were definitely a lot smaller than we're used to or most of the contestants are used to," Shugart says.